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Are you sure about this?
Halloween indent is all finished. Christmas indent due 4/3!

Contact Us

Skyview Trading Ltd is a wholesaler focused mainly on the small items market, our specialty is in the dress up and party range. All our items are only available as wholesale only, retail is not available.

Skyview Trading is based in Auckland. If you are interested in our product or have any general enquiry, please contact us via the following.

Opening Hours:

Mon - Fri: 9am-5pm

Sunday(September - December):9am - 5pm, Other Month By Appointment Only

Contact Details:

Phone: 273 9412

Address: 17 Stonedon Drive
East Tamaki

Postal: P.O.Box 58438
Auckland 2163


From Highbrook exit, turn left on Cryers Road, and then turn left at second road on left which is Stonedon Drive.

17 Stonedon Drive, East Tamaki Auckland